Commercial / Music Video / Documentary / Television



With over 20 years of production experience, Fatima Martins has produced in virtually all media venues.


From the Off-Road Multi-Camera TORC series to high end commercial beauty, VFX based spots and the occasional Bloody Revolution. Fatima has the experience, contacts and raw problem solving skills to tackle any project.


Fatima's interest in form and design lead her to attain a Master's degree in Architecture and Urban Development at Brazil's exclusive P.U.C.C. From there she accepted a position as a lead Production Designer in Brazil's most popular TV variety series, where she worked directly with the creators to produce and oversee 40 sets a week. She understands that media production is a visual art, derived from story, sound and images. This is why she feels that it is important to look deeply into each project to fully  understand the visual goals of the creative team. This level of project care on the core level allows her to interface with every aspect of the production team to enhance the collaboration process efficiently and on budget.


Fatima's extensive multilingual skills and her Dual European citizenship allow her to work in virtually any market. Domestic projects are able to smoothly work overseas for amazing visuals and at low costs.



As a member of the European Union, Fatima has access to incredible resources in 28 countries. From castles in Scotland to the Bogs of Estonia.

Europe's rich artitecture, ancient streets and cities are no match for CGI or backlots.

Having lived in the U.S for half of her life, Fatima has worked on projects from New York to Los Angeles.  She has production contacts in key states that allow for smooth production experiences. From the high adventure of motor racing of the South to the fashion and glamor of the East to the offbeat L.A. style of  Venice Beach.

Projects Montage


Project Scrapbook

About Fátima


• Confident decision-maker with ability to perform well under pressure.  Exceptional problem-solving skills.

• Organized, efficient and highly attentive to detail.  Recognized as a team leader and a team player.

• Performed functions in sales, marketing, production, promotions, exporting and management.


• Produced over 100 worldwide commercials, music videos, TV shows and other media for several major

   production companies for approximately 15 years.

• Worked closely with Directors, Executive Producers, International Clients and Agencies.

• Managed all department heads, hired crew and talent.

• Handled budget, production and personnel schedules, locations, permits, vendors and equipment.

Production Experience

Commercials                         Director                                              Production Company


Brooks                                   Steven Diller                                      Embassy Films

Liberty Mutual                        Scott Bryant                                      Steam LLC.

Star Wars                               Scott Bryant                                      Steam LLC.

Mattel - Hot Wheels               Luis Ruiz                                           Silo Films

Q Music                                 William Peter Pols                             Spittn Image

Boeing/TSAT                         Craig Baxley                                      Creative Technologies, Inc.

Jackks Pacific - Winx            Luis Ruiz                                            Mustache Productions

Xploderz                                Luis Ruiz                                            Mustache Productions

Chevy                                    Kosinsky & David Fincher                  Anonymous Content

Acura                                     John McDonald                                 John McDonald Productions

Amena                                   Ricardo Albinana & Julian Zuazo      Milagro Films

Pocket Communications       Ed Schumacher                                 Ambush, Inc.

Visa                                       David Frankham                                Smuggler

Zumba                                   Chris Halmo                                       Hybrid

State Farm Insurance            Jeff Phillips                                        State Farm Insurance Company

Nike                                       Malcolm Venville                                Anonymous Content

Honda Accord Hybrid            John McDonald                                  J. McDonald Productions

Intel World                             Scott Bryant                                       Steam LLC.

MGA “Bratz “                         Scott Bryant                                       Steam LLC.

Bell  Helicopters                    Scott Bryant                                       Steam LLC.

Sears                                     Luis Aira                                            Ofrenda, Inc.

Wells Fargo                           Luis Aira                                            Ofrenda, Inc.

21st Century Insurance         Angel Flores                                      A Catch 22 Production, Inc.

Adobe                                    Rick Spalia                                        9K9 Productions

Al Rehab                               Marco Schillaci                                  Admit One Productions

Universal Orlando                 Kevin Samuels                                  H.S.I. Productions

21st Century Insurance         Enrique Begné                                  A Catch 22 Production, Inc.

Whirlpool                               Paul Vos                                            Directors Film Co. of N.Y.

H&R Block                             Pavel Cantu                                      Monstereye Films

PG & E                                  Pavel Cantu                                      Monstereye Films

Nexxus                                  Eugenio Recuenco                            A White Label Product

Red Cross                             Chris Rogers                                     Ruckus Films

Pioneer Tivo                          John McDonald                                 J. McDonald Productions

King Koil Mattress                 Ken Nahoum                                     Sterling Winter Company

Fazoli                                     Clark Anderson                                 Rhythm & Hues

Honda                                    Carlos Montaner                               Darma Pictures

Olympia                                 J. Rodriguez                                      Darma Pictures

Delta Lloyd                            Sven Super                                       Directors Film Co. of N.Y.

Xenergy                                 Meng Johnson                                  Attack Ads, Inc.

Dynapep                                Pavel Cantu                                      Chankin Entertainment

Jurassic Park                        James Okumura                                FlexFilms

Kool Smiles                           Pavel Cantu                                       Monstereye Films

Comcast                                Pavel Cantu                                       Monstereye Films

Toyota                                    Hikaru Ishiguro                                  Brentwood Productions

Mennen                                 Michael Boombeeck                          Draw Pictures & Dr. Film

Burger King                           Jerry Dugan                                      Toner Films

American Express                 Ringan Ledwidge                              Christopher Films

Pepsi                                     Hideki Kuroda                                   Rondinia, Inc.

Pentax                                   Kazuyuki Miyasaka                           Brentwood Productions

Adidas                                   Scotty Bergstein                                Area 51 Films

Lancôme                               S. McGehee & D. Siegel                   Premiere Heure

Got Milk?                               Emmanuel Lubezki                           Milagro Films

Cortefiel                                 Walter Chin                                       Milagro Films

California State Lottery         Henry Meziat                                     Cielo Films

MCI Collect                           Henry Meziat                                     Cielo Films

JC Decaux                            David Lynch                                       Cielo Films

JC Decaux                            Francis Ford Coppola                        Cielo Films

JC Decaux                             Spike Lee                                         Cielo Films

AT & T                                   Henry Meziat                                     Cielo Films

Ameritrade                            Dewey Nicks                                      Epoch Films



 Music Videos                        Director                                              Production Company



LMFAO                                  Mickey Finnegan                               Rockhard Pictures

Sky Blu Pop Bottles               Mickey Finnegan                               Spittn Image

No Doubt                               Sophie Muller                                    Oil Factory Inc.

Rise Against                          Mark Klasfeld                                     Rockhard Pictures

George Strait                        Trey Fanjoy                                        Picture Vision Pictures, Inc.

Toby Keith                             Michael Salomon                               Picture Vision Pictures, Inc.

 Mis-Teeq                              Phil Griffin                                          Sledge, Ltd.

Simple Plan                          Smith n’ Borin                                    Geneva Films.

Brodeeva                              Nancy Leiviska                                  Stefanino Productions

Storm                                    Dago Gonzalez                                  Veneno, Inc.



Television                              Director                                              Production Company



Torc Off-Road Championship    Michele Ghersi                                   The Armory Group/ Discovery HD


Nostradamus Decoded         Pavel Cantu                                        Monstereye Films/ Discovery Channel



Drive Time                             David Punch                                      Esperanza Films

Veja o Gordo                         Willem Van Weerelt                           SBT (Sistema Brasilero de Televisao)

Jo Onze e Meia                     Willem Van Weerelt                           SBT Brasil


Cidade X Cidade                   Homero Sales                                   SBT Brasil


Sábado a Noite                     Homero Sales                                   SBT Brasil



 Features                               Director                                              Production Company



 The Rundown (Rsc.Coord)  Peter Berg                                         Universal Pictures

 Wheelmen (Coordinator)      Dirk Hagen                                        Stretch Pix, LLC.





English, Portuguese and Spanish.





Masters degree in Architecture & Urban Development – Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas, Brazil

Bachelors degree in Mathematics – Pio XII College – Sao Paulo, Brazil

Bachelors degree in English – Centro Cultural Anglo Americano, Sao Paulo, Brazil




Contact Information

Santa Monica, CA.

(310) 899-0923



Fátima Martins